Sister Scriptorians

Episode 137: Thoughts, Words, and Works



Alma 12:1-19For the people of Ammonihah, to be of the Order of Nehor and to not believe in the resurrection, it supported their belief that they had no need to repent. They were abiding by a philosophy that fully supported the "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for tomorrow we die" perspective. Their belief system enabled the adversary to lay his traps of lies and deceit dragging them further away from the ways of God.When Zeezrom discovered that God knew all of his thoughts and that Alma and Amulek spoke of a resurrection with a judgment, he began to listen.In this episode, we discuss how our thoughts, words, and works enable us either to receive more of the mysteries of God or to lose them. We learn how closely they are related to one another along with the relationships we have with ourselves, others, and God. To lie to man is to lie to God. That is what Zeezrom learned and the magnitude of that truth caused him to tremble.For coaching services, email me at From now until the end of t