East Ridge Pres

Tuesday, 28 March 2017



Luke 12:15 Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. In the USA we have lost our minds. We think we need all this stuff. We think we are suffering when we don’t have all this stuff. We expect luxury or we are bitter. We expect entertainment or we are bored. We expect pleasure or we are frustrated. We expect the latest and greatest technology or we are deprived. We expect a feast at every meal, sumptuous, delicious, large quantities, all the best, the food we like and the drinks we like. How much of your time do you spend thinking about stuff you want? Looking at stuff you want? How much time do you spend shopping? How much time do you spend ordering stuff online? How often do you think about the next thing you need. When you closets are full. You own multiple computers, televisions, appliances, tools, weapons, equipment, vehicles. How much of your money do you spend buying stuff that does not give life? when you could