Risen Church Nc

Inevitable: As It Is In - Matthew 6:5-10



In this series we've looked at a prayer that Jesus prayed the night before He died. We've studied a prayer from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians. This week, we take a look at the prayer template given to every disciple. What do these 3 prayers have in common? Well, they all carry a desire for unity. Sometimes the Bible's call for unity and words against division may seem a little unrealistic. After all, our world is fallen, and isn't division inevitable? Isn't unity just a lofty dream? Indeed, it seems like something that could only be realized in Heaven... Enter the model prayer given to every Jesus Follower. What does Jesus instruct us to pray? "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done... On Earth AS IT IS IN Heaven." We've prayed this line 100s, even 1000s of times, yet have we ever really meant it? This line agrees with Jesus and Paul, that unity isn't just possible, but it's necessary that every Christian choose it and pursue it. In this message we talk about what "As It Is In Heaven" means f