Just 2 Pearls

Adventures in Blackness Part 2 (Featuring Rev. Melanie C. Jones)



Hey, Pearls! Welcome to Black Herstory Month with The Pearls! Our Adventures in Blackness continue this week with an exploration of all things Womanist and Black Feminist. We will also give you some tips to put these theories into practice in your personal life. We are thrilled to have as our guest for the second time Rev. Melanie C. Jones, a Ph.D. candidate at Chicago Theological Seminary, a visiting professor at Brite Divinity School, and co-founder of the Millennial Womanism Project. Check out Melanie's work on her website, revmelanie.com! Listen to this episode now on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, or just2pearls.com. Remember to leave us a review while you're there. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @just2pearls. Email us at adventures@just2pearls.com. Thank you for listening, and remember to cultivate the pearl within you!