Just 2 Pearls

Pearl Pro-Tip 8: Spread the Love!



Hey, Pearls! On this final pro-tip episode of the Just 2 Pearls Summer 2018 season, Jaimie and Porsha encourage you to spread the love. It has been quite a summer as we have witnessed political drama and human rights crises here in the United States and around the world. But, we can be part of the work of breaking the cycle. We can be active participants in spreading love, joy, and peace throughout the world. So, let's get to the hard work of showing love in radical and earth-shattering ways. We look forward to seeing all of you for Season 3 at the end of September. We invite you to be part of our podcast. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @just2pearls. Email us with your questions, reflections, or even to be a guest on or a sponsor of the podcast at adventures@just2pearls.com. Listen to our show on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. Thank you for listening, and remember to spread the love and to cultivate the pearl within you!