Just 2 Pearls

Jaimie and Porsha's Pearls 2018



Hey, Pearls! We hope you enjoyed a beautiful time of rest, relaxation, and celebration with your chosen family and friends! This week, The Pearls are finishing up 2018 by sharing some of their most exciting wow moments and their hopes for the year to come. As Porsha and Jaimie prepare for the final year of their 20s, they remember just how far they have come, and they are looking forward to how much further they have to go. Check out the episode now on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, or just2pearls.com. We would love to hear your goals for the coming year. Please email us at adventures@just2pearls.com or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @just2pearls. Blessings to you as you embark on the next stage of your adventure, and remember to cultivate the pearl within you every step of the way! See you in 2019.