Media Roots

Libs Love Lab-Leak, Geopolitical Sting Op & the Wuhan Coincidence w/ gumby4christ



Robbie brings on researcher gumby4christ for a sequel of sorts to the previous Media Roots Radio episode 'The Oswald Institute of Virology, COVID-19 Origins & US Military Biowarfare'. Just when it seemed like the Covid 'lab-leak' talk had gone away it comes back with a vengeance. A series of incriminating e-mail exchanges got dumped revealing 'Gain of Function' research funded by the US government at the Wuhan BSL-4 lab and Anthony Fauci's full awareness of it. This eventually led to Fauci conceding that Covid-19 could have leaked from a lab and Jon Stewart saying on Late Night with Stephen Colbert that it was a pandemic 'created by scientists'. Robbie & Gumby break down every conceivable angle of what could actually be going on here, from the idea of a long con Wuhan lab sting operation as a vehicle for a geopolitical strategy against China to how the propaganda campaign resembles WMDs in Iraq but could be employing reverse psychology ('the fact checker elites lost!'). The podcast concludes with Gumby reveal