Toledo Matters Podcast

Episode 14 - Randy Oostra


Synopsis Episode 14 of the Toledo Matters Podcast - Randy Oostra, CEO of Promedica ——————————————————— With Bob Tucker, Danny Woodcock, & Nathan Lewis ——————————————————— Fun things in the 419 This Thursday the 25th (TODAY! when this gets released) at Manhattan’s, Startup Toledo will be featured Matt Braun (creator of the Sketch Party TV app). Event starts at 6 checkout for more This Saturday at Black Cloister, Sparr Games will be holding a Master Thief Rule Testing event for their soon-to-come art thievery card game. Again, this Saturday at 7pm. meet at black cloister. Checkout for more! Coming up next month, April 1st (not kidding) is the EPIC Toledo Birthday Bash from the Past. This year we’re getting a sneak peak at the Armory and their new Rooftop bars @ Hensville, getting in there before opening day and hosting our annual birthday celebration. The Birthday Bash from the Past will feature local DJ Matt Muha aka DJ Sharkbait, some of Hensville’s