
2021-07-20 Inquiry I Living a Life of Vow I Flint Sparks



Kim's Vow I vow to live with a soft front and a strong back remembering the boundless support of the great Mother Earth, the ancestors, the grandmothers, the teachers, and spiritual friends so that I may live with a heart that is open and courageous enough to attend to my own suffering. May I heal what can be healed, let go of what is not mine to carry, and forgive my own limitations and the limitations of others; and may this open more space within me for life and love and joy to flow through. I vow to be with and bear witness to the suffering of others. May I have the strength and wisdom to offer care and compassion and the skillful means to turn us just a little bit more towards freedom. I vow to honor the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha dedicating myself to practice, study and spiritual friendship. ~ Kim Neuschel