Stuff I Don't Like

FIRE Your Job Pt. 2



On this episode of the Stuff I Don't Like Podcast, I talk with Catie Takimoto a.k.a. the Millenial Money Honey. On part 1, we discussed the trending F.I.R.E. (financial independence, retire early) movement, and how consumerism not only drains our wallets, but sometimes fuels injustice. On part 2, we unpack the reality of most "financial experts," who often grow up up in upper-class privilege but advise their working class audience to "just save." Instead of doling out more buzzwords and soundbites, we try to offer tangible advice on how to invest and save on a budget. FOR LINKS TO ALL THE BOOKS/DOCUMENTARIE/STOCKS REFERENCED IN THE EPISODE, VISIT STUFFIDONTLIKE.NET References I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi 4-Hour Workweek by Tom Ferriss The Minimalists on Netflix Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin