Brand New Thinking

E02 - Investing for good



Welcome to Brand New Thinking. In our second episode we discuss Investing for good with Whitni Thomas, Senior Investor Relations Manager at Triodos Bank; Bruce Davis, Co-founder and Joint MD of Abundance Investment; Lauren Peacock from ShareAction and Seb Beloe who is Partner and Head of Research at WHEB Asset Management. Disclaimer: Please note, this podcast (and the links below) are intended for information only. They should not be construed as investment advice. Our goal is to provide greater information and education on the topic of ethical investing, but you should undertake your own research and/or seek professional advice before taking any financial decisions. Speakers and their organisations Whitni Thomas, Senior Investor Relations Manager, Triodos Triodos describe themselves as “Europe’s leading sustainable bank” with a big focus on both transparency and sustainable investments. They offer current accounts, ISAs, crowdfunding investments and more. Bruce D