Dialogue On Divorce

Working Through the 10 Emotional Stages of Divorce with Jackie Pilossoph



EP: 143 Jackie Pilossoph Working Through the 10 Emotional Stages of Divorce Divorce is an emotional roller coaster. You might feel shock, fear, hope, sadness, gratitude and anger—and that’s just in one afternoon. So, what can you expect to feel as you move through the divorce process? And how can you work through those emotional stages with as much grace and dignity as possible? Jackie Pilossoph is the Creator and Editor-in-Chief of Divorced Girl Smiling, an online divorce support community designed to empower and inspire women and men during and after divorce. A former television journalist with a Master’s in Communication, Jackie is committed to helping people navigate divorce with grace, courage and gratitude. She is also the author of the Better Magazine weekly column Love Essentially. On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Jackie joins Katherine to discuss the ten emotional stages of divorce, describing the initial shock divorcing couples feel and the sadness that accompanies the end of a relationship