Dialogue On Divorce

A Path To Happiness After Midlife Divorce With Diane Burroughs



After 24 years of marriage, Diane’s husband - who also happened to be her colleague as a sitcom writer- left her for another, younger woman. Frustrated and alone, she sought resources to ease her pain and found refuge in books and blogs. However, recognizing that very little literature spoke to her directly – as a woman over 50 – Diane began using her unique voice to connect with other women through her blog – Left at 50, and later went on to publish a book titled Restarting Your Life When You Are No Longer A Wife. In this podcast explore what doubts and fears keep women physically, psychologically, and emotionally trapped after divorce. Learn how single women after fifty can rebuild their lives on their own terms! Diane Burroughs is the author of: Restarting Your Life When You Are No Longer a Wife: One gal’s tale of humor, tears, and hope after being Left at 50 and owner of the blog leftatfifty.com. Diane helps women facing midlife divorce by learning how to take care of themselves and embrace their new ide