Durenda Wilson

Homeschooling And International Adoption With Sarah Brown (Podcast 53)



I like to focus on podcast topics that are important to YOU!  Recently I had a mom ask me to do a podcast on international adoption.  I don't really have much experience with that, but I have a friend who does!  Sarah has 10 biological children and 5 children adopted from Ukraine.  In today's podcast we talk about how God's plan unfolded in Sarah's family's life, how God knit their family together through adoption and what the adjustment has been like. (The newly adopted children are 7, 9, 11, 12 and 16) Even if you are not planning to adopt, maybe you know someone who is.  Learn more about what this process feels like so you can be an effective support for those who are adopting! (More info/resources on this post at my website:http://durendawilson.com/international-adoption-with-sarah-brown-podcast-53/)