Pink Book Wedding Podcast

#23 - Thabo from the Aleit Group - Johannesburg Wedding Planning



We recently travelled up to Johannesburg to meet and greet all the big names in the wedding industry in Gauteng. This episode features Thabo Matlhako from The Aleit Group - he is the top dog in Johannesburg for their corporate events and sat down with us to talk about the differences between Cape Town and Johannesburg Weddings and Events. Topics discussed • The history of The Aleit Group • How Thabo landed a job at Aleit • Why he thinks Cape Town suppliers are much more professional • The average budget for Gauteng weddings • Are Gauteng suppliers more expensive or more affordable than Western Cape suppliers? • Why do so many Gauteng couples come to Cape Town to get married? • Where is the hub for interracial and same-sex marriage - Gauteng or Cape Town? • What are the attractions in Gauteng for couples wanting to get married? • City Chic Weddings • The most elaborate event Thabo has been involved in Important links: • Aleit Group People Mentioned: • Aleit Swanepoel Next Week's Episode: Marlé and Tracy