Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Tirosint vs Levothyroxine: The Case for Switching Thyroid Medication



Tirosint is a T4 only thyroid medication but with some twists. Many patients report significant improvement in hypothyroid symptoms when switching from T4 only medications like Levothyroxine and Synthroid over to Tirosint. But how can that be? Especially when Tirosint is a T4 only medication? This occurs for several reasons: 1) Inactive ingredients - + Levothyroxine and Synthroid contain MANY inactive ingredients (complete list in the video) which your body may be reacting to and limiting absorption. These inactive ingredients may be causing negative side effects that mimic hypothyroidism or limit your ability to reach the optimal dose. Tirosint has 3 inactive ingredients and 1 active ingredient making it the "cleanest" thyroid medication (T4 only). 2) Decreased absorption - + Due to these inactive ingredients the absorption of Levothyroxine and Synthroid may be inferior to that of Tirosint. The fewer inactive ingredients means the more thyroid hormone that will be absorbed which means the bette