Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How Doctors Fail Thyroid Patients (12,000 Thyroid Patients Grade Their Doctor)



The unfortunate truth is that most doctors fail thyroid patients. This is why so many thyroid patients are unhappy with their current treatment. As a whole, do you think doctors help or hurt thyroid patients? This survey of over 12,000 thyroid patients shows that doctors, on the average, are not helping thyroid patients. These 12,000 thyroid patients were asked a series of questions and their responses were recorded. Among these questions, they were asked how satisfied they were with their current treatment, they were asked what type of problems and issues they continue to have, they were asked how long they had their thyroid disease, and they were asked what type of thyroid medication they were taking. The results are probably not surprising to you as a thyroid patient if you've been following me for any length of time but it's still good to go over them. On the whole, these 12,000 thyroid patients gave their doctors a 5 out of 10 on the satisfaction scale. This means that doctors are getting a 50%