Fi360 Bridge

Episode 10: Interview with Robin Green



In this episode, Terra and Alex speak with Robin Green, president and head of research at RGIdeas, an independent research and consulting company in the financial services industry. Robin also happens to be a former colleague and dear friend of ours. From the very beginning, Robin has charged ahead with a joie de vivre that had her destined for great things. A self-described bulldozer, we see Robin as a woman who drives hard toward her goals, refusing to let obstacles slow her down. But her edges are softened by an unyielding positivity and genuine care for everyone around her. Robin has been an inspiration for both Terra and Alex and an example of how a woman can dominate in a male-dominated industry while staying true to the kind, uplifting person she is straight to her core. We’re excited for you to meet Robin so let’s get to it! Here is our interview with Robin Green! Music by Jennifer Szakolczay Editing by Brittany Waltmire