Station To Station With Joe Pavia

Episode 7 - Jan Whitaker discusses Menu Terms



Joe speaks with restaurant blogger, Jan Whitaker who gives some insight into the career of Chef Joseph Cancel's. “I know you like to cook and that you like old stuff...” That’s all Joe's dad said as he handed him a small, black, very well worn, leather bound book . The book, Cancel's Ready Reference of Menu Terms, written by Chef Joseph Gancel, has been in the Pavia family since 1913. It was around that time that Joe's grandfather and great-uncle travelled across the Atlantic to the United States to pursue careers as chefs in some of the restaurants of Boston. Whitaker has researched and written many articles about the restaurant industry in the U.S and published an article on Cancel in 2012. Jan's work can be found via this web address: Photos of the book Menu Terms can be found on Joe's website