Gosh Darn Fiasco

4: Sourdough (Kyle McCormick, Richard Malena, Cary Young, Lucia Fasano, Angela Webber)



Seattle is a city with interesting problems. There's the annual bread bake-off, of course. There are rumors of Bigfoot sightings in the woods. There are vigilante superheroes who keep the status quo. Into this mix comes Charlie Barley, the new CEO of Magic: The Gathering—and he wants to disrupt everything. In this episode, players Kyle McCormick, Richard Malena, Cary Young and Lucia Fasano join your host Angela Webber in playing "Welcome To Jet City" in a Seattle-themed game that gets real, real weird. Check out our players! Kyle McCormick (@kyle_mccormick) Richard Malena (@rmalena) Cary Young (@caryy) Lucia Fasano (@lucia_fasano) and your host Angela Webber (@angelamwebber) Get the game, Fiasco (http://bit.ly/gdfiascogame), and the playset, Welcome To Jet City by Jason Morningstar (http://bit.ly/GDFanthology)! Listen to the BONUS setup episode here: (https://goshdarnfiasco.simplecast.fm/5)