Spirit Filled Podcast - A Bible Study

How to Study the Bible in Depth - Context is King - Episode 112



How to Study the Bible in Depth - Context is King 1. Know what you are reading. A.The inspired word of God - what does inspired mean? Jewish  interpretation  B. What is the Focus of the Bible. C. The Bible is a Jewish book D. Latter-day revelations and Apocryphal books E. Translations.??? Transliterations- Figures of Speech Used in the Bible G. Bible helps F. How to find out what the original Hebrew or Greek actually says. --- You don’t need a library. 2. Commentary - friend or foe? A. Knowing the doctrinal slant. (internet) Eating the meat & spitting out the bones                                                     B. The problem with relying on commentaries C. Cultural commentary- Makes the Bible come alive. 3. Context is King. A. There should be a law against quoting scripture without context - proving      B.  Studying the occasion (background) of every Letter/Epistle/book C.  There are no contradictions, just different contexts. 4. Bible Study Methods. A. T