Saas Insider

063: Emily Triplett Lentz on Making Content a Part of Your Business Strategy



How to decide what type of content to produce for your SaaS business? Should you do it at all? What is a great way to find out more about your customer and how they feel about your company? How long before you see the results from your blog? Shira Abel chats with Emily Triplett Lentz about customer success, quality content, and how Help Scout built their blog to grow their business. About Emily Triplett Lentz • Emily Triplett Lentz is the Blog Editor and a content strategist at Help Scout, which makes customer support and email management software more human for more than 7,500 companies in over 140 countries. • Since Help Scout is a remote company (as is Basecamp, where she worked previously) Emily recently relocated to northern California by way of Austin, Texas, Costa Rica, and Anchorage, Alaska. • Outside of work she enjoys playing bluegrass music with her husband as well as traveling, often with their two boxer dogs in tow. Key Takeaways: • Customers don’t really care about your product. They want to s