Saas Insider

077: Max Pecherskyy On Joining a Startup Accelerator



How do you make sure you’re not wasting your time in an accelerator? What are some “growth hacks” your startup can use in the early stage? How to figure out your customer segment? Max Pecherskyy, the Co-Founder of PromoRepublic, shares his experience with the host Shira Abel on raising funds through multiple accelerators and working through multiple challenges to start an international business. About Max Pecherskyy • Max is a passionate SaaS entrepreneur whose mission is to connect professionals, SaaS companies, and startup hubs to help them form long-term relationships and sustainable win-win partnerships. Max splits his time between Kiev, Helsinki, and San Francisco. • Current challenge: Connecting angel and institutional investors, co-founders, exceptional talent and partner companies across 3 countries (UA/FI/US) to make the venture succeed at global scale. • Prior to co-founding PromoRepublic, Max worked in marketing agencies for 10 years, and was responsible for business development,