Saas Insider

082: Aaron “Air” Ross on Outbound Sales Made Possible



Why there is a gap between early stage adopters and mainstream customers? How can you succeed in outbound sales? What to do if you have a small team to accomplish everything? Aaron “Air” Ross shares with the host Shira Abel his tips for getting the most out of your outside sales. About • Aaron “Air” Ross is the internationally best-selling author of Predictable Revenue (called “The Sales Bible of Silicon Valley”) and From Impossible To Inevitable. He created the outbound sales methodology that almost doubled’s growth. He founded Predictable Revenue: The Outbound Success Company, and his team specializes in helping companies get outbound right the first time. • Aaron is married with 9 children, lives in Los Angeles, and graduated from Stanford. Key Takeaways: • With the rise of inbound sales, remember that outbound should still be a part of your strategy to find new customers. • If you're a growth company, your long term solution is to have your internal team prospecting. • The person who does