Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

004: Caring Less So You Can Become More



Do you ever feel like you’re in an endless state of catering to the opinions of others? Is your mind, too often, occupied by seeking to impress others or meet others’ arbitrary expectations instead of on what really matters most? What happens when we become obsessed or even addicted to what others think? When we care too much? In this episode of Playing Full Out I’ll show you how you can care less so you can spend more time, energy, and talent on what matters most to you. -- As a Business and Life Coach, Rita works with highly motivated professionals who, despite their level of success and achievements, are not happy or satisfied. Often, they’re “successful” by traditional standards, yet unfulfilled based on their own. They know they want more and are ready to have it. Get the “Playing Full Out Accelerator” ™ - Four Steps to Identify, Plan & Take the Leap to Your Optimal Vision of Work & Home…Without the Second Guessing. >> Click here for your FREE guide!