Stop & Taste Conversations - New Holland Brewing

Ep 27 - Mark Dredge - UK Author



I got to know Mark a little bit at the  Brewers Association’s beer dinner at The Salon with Chef Nicholas Balfe and Adam Dulye.  We got to chatting and decided in short order that more beers and conversation were in order.  We met at what we thought would be a quiet beer garden in his neighborhood, but as the London Craft Beer Festival let out a few blocks away, a post-fest party gathered around us, sharing our picnic table, beers and lively conversation well after the Mics were off.     The Details The Drinks: Cloudwater DIPA v6 & v7, Five Points Pale Ale The Music: “Wealthy Street” on intro and outro, © and courtesy of Drew Nelson Guest Bio: Mark Dredge is a beer, food and travel writer based in London, England. He's currently writing his fifth book and trying to complete his beer bucket list. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter @MarkDredge