Empowered Couples

How To Influence Your Partner When They Feel Differently Than You: The Freemans Episode 43



Today’s mini chat with The Freemans is all about influencing your partner. Yes you could say “get them to do what you want”. Maybe you want them to change their mind about something or even more powerful, you want them to change their current state (maybe from one of stress or anxiety to one of peace or ease) Of course you are a team (possibly have your vision statement if you have done a vision statement creation call with us) so you are not intending anything less than what you feel would benefit them, they just are “stuck in their way” in this area. So what happens when you deeply want them to something that you already know they will enjoy and get value from, yet they just don’t want to do it? Then multiple times a week you now feel you are trying to convince them or even trick them into changing their minds or getting them to change their emotional state. In this episode... You will know: Influencing your partner starts with you being the example first You will have: 3 new actions to take for yourself wi