Empowered Couples

Why Arguing With Logic Won’t Make Your Partner Feel Better When They’re Emotional: Freemans Mini Episode 46



Welcome to the next "Mini Chat With The Freemans"! How often have you found yourself trying to make your partner (or really yourself) feel better by being logical? Yeah how well did that work!? So what is the other option, how do you actually help your partner feel better and get back to a connected place together when one of you is really feeling frustration, doubt, or just upset?  In this episode you will: Know that leaning on logic to help your partner feel better emotionally, will never work. It will even have your partner feel worse. You will have the 2 reasons and examples why this logic doesn’t help your partner, as well as 2 new things to try that will support your partner the most when they are experiencing high emotion. Which will leave you feeling confidence in your ability to be with any emotion that your partner is feeling without making it personal and be the best partner you can be to support them in moving past emotion so you can reconnect as a couple. Quotes: “Rather than feeling you are two