Empowered Couples

Why You Would Have An Adult Temper Tantrum Rather Than Consciously Self-Express Episode 102



Your immediate reaction to this episode might be “yes my partner definitely has some adult temper tantrums”. Which is probably true at times, so we will of course go more into how you can HELP and SUPPORT them, rather than avoiding or getting mad at them yourself.  BUT if you were really being honest, you might see that you yourself have your own tantrums sometimes. These are places that you just don’t know how else to express yourself or realize what it is you really want and need. Many of us do this (act like hurt or wounded kids) because we just do not know and were not taught any other way.  Maybe this is ok at work or with friends, but when it comes to a healthy, connected, and lasting romantic relationship… you will just do more damage than good. All because you haven’t learned these simple skills. In today’s episode you will learn: Why you, or your partner, express yourself like your child-self when you are feeling hurt or misunderstood. How to best support and communicate with your partner during the