
Linda Huang: The Hummingbird's Kitchen



Today is all about Chinese food. I’m joined by Linda Huang of The Hummingbird’s Kitchen, where she teaches folks in Bozeman how to cook authentic Chinese food and hosts pop-up dinners. Today, Linda and I talk all things Chinese cuisine - from how she got her start in Bozeman, to the regional differences of the cuisine, to stories from Linda’s childhood of how her family ate in the days before refrigeration, and the best breakfast she ever had. Download Episode Links: Check out Linda's website and sign up for a cooking class: Music: Thanks for listening! Do you ever get hangry? You know, the thing that happens when you’re really hungry and your lack of food makes you angry?! I am well acquainted with this phenomenon, and I want to hear your stories! Send me your hangry stories, telltale signs of hanger, or prevention tips either in the comment section of this episode, or submit your story on the contact page. You may hear your story featured