Brews And Blasters: The Star Wars Party!

224: Charal's in Charge



Blurrgs are cool and all, but have you ever wondered why Charal could turn into a crow but Yoda couldn't? There's a lot of random stuff this week to dig into, and Chris and Joe do so and then some. We go off the deep end with Galaxy's Edge soda bottles, talk about Charal from the Battle for Endor, discuss space dementia and a whole lot more. Let's go, Warheads! The Star Wars party starts now! It's time for Brews and Blasters. Show Notes Notes on John Williams’ TRoS score length Rian Johnson discusses his Star Wars trilogy, we discuss him Let’s talk about the witch from The Battle for Endor Trends in how old EU becomes canon Hasbro wants to get rid of all plastic packaging—what will happen to traditional action figure cards & bubbles?! Disney stores at Target? Why are there none in the Northeast?! Triple Force Friday plans Do we attempt to got o a store, or just get ribs and roast beef and hit eBay? The official Star Wars timeline A less nebulous galaxy But where are the books, comics and games?