Supercontext: An Autopsy Of Media

Repost of The Dark Knight



THIS IS A REPOST OF A 2016 EPISODE. As the release of the film JOKER looms, we revisit our discussion about Batman, the Joker, and ambiguity. Looking back on the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” does it stand for anything? Or does it simply soak up whatever morals we bring to it? Christopher Nolan’s intentions remain mysterious, but we do our best to figure them out.   Interested in the media we discussed this episode? Please support the show by purchasing it through our affiliate store: The Dark Knight Additional Resources: JOHNSON, V. (2014). ‘It’s What You Do that Defines You:’ Christopher Nolan’s Batman as Moral Philosopher. Journal Of Popular Culture, 47(5), 952. doi:10.1111/jpcu.12181 The Dark Knight of the American Empire Hunting The Dark Knight : Twenty-First Century Batman. London: I.B.Tauris Dive Deep Into the Making of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy With This Documentary