Lift Speaks

Ep2 Shara Hegr - When Your Spouse Becomes a Different Person



Welcome to our second episode of LIFT Speaks, stories of what people do and their impact on the world.   Today we are visiting with LIFT member, Shara, who is an entrepreneur and the wife of a wounded warrior.  She has faced hardships in her lifetime that few of us will ever face. Shara's husband was an army ranger deployed in Afghanistan.  He was in hand to hand combat with a suicide bomber, and the suicide bomber detonated a grenade. In that instant, Shara faced the loss of the husband she knew and married, and has learned to love, laugh and enjoy her new life with the man he has become. Shara's story is one of courage and perseverance.  Hear Shara share her powerful love story of surviving and thriving as the wife of a wounded warrior.