Lift Speaks

Ep 6 Keith Thode - Mission Critical: Using Cutting Edge Technologies to Feed, Educate and Empower the Vulnerable



Keith Thode is CEO and Chief Scientist of AdvanceNet Labs.  Keith, a self-proclaimed nerd, makes use of for-profit technologies to help empower vulnerable populations to transform their lives.   I started my business because . . . It was a moral imperative… and my wife believed in me. The thing I enjoy most about my business is . . . We have an incredible community of staff, clients and supporters. Together, we make a difference every day. The biggest surprise for me as a business owner is . . . how much relationships matter, and, how little most entrepreneurs talk about money. My desire to help the vulnerable comes from . . . my faith… God has provided me an innate joy from doing what He requires,  which is to “Love God, Love Others”. One thing I wish I knew when I was younger is . . . how fast it all goes by… Carpe Diem! Hear Keith share more of his rich wisdom and insight on today’s LIFT Speaks.