Lift Speaks

Ep7 Rob Hartsough - Low-tech Productivity and the Ultimate Business Principle



Welcome to E7 of LIFT Speaks with Robert Hartsough, SVP of Global Sales and Support for Skillsoft.  Rob is responsible for leading the Sales and Consulting Lines of Business across five global regions. He’s either on a plane traveling across the world or on international phone calls making notes on multiple whiteboards at the LIFT Office.   I just got back from . . .  Hong Kong, where I went on a street food tour and hiked the Dragon’s back. Inside my suitcase, you will always find . . .  a tie and a white shirt. When it comes to packing, I have learned . . . to get my shirts from the cleaners pre-folded. I will always return to . . . my roots in Houston. When the meetings are over and someone’s in my town . . . I like to share my favorite restaurants and dives that have local character/characters. Hear other tidbits of wisdom on business and life with Rob in today’s episode of LIFT Speaks.