Lift Speaks

Ep20 Shane Bender | How to Exchange Stress and Chaos for Cash and Clarity in Your Business



Shane Bender has a plethora of experience in the accounting world. As a CPA, he spent over 15 years in the corporate world, and then moved to a digital startup company as their controller until they were acquired. He’s worked as a CFO for a variety of small businesses. He understands how to evaluate a business and forecast for a profitable future.     I started my business because . . .  I wanted to make a larger difference helping small businesses be successful in a more direct and impactful way. The thing I enjoy most about my business is . . . that I learn so much and get to work with various types and sizes of businesses. I have freedom to build a business that adds value in areas of my strengths. The biggest surprise for me as a business person is . . . that you never know when and where new business will come. I have had business come from different contacts and take varying amounts of time to acquire.  We just need to keep planting seeds and leave the timing to God. One question people should as