Slash & Burn: A Gross Journey Through Fanfiction

Ep 46 - A Dangling Peter - Spider-man



Spider-man has super strength, agility, and a sixth (spidey) sense, but you know what else he has? Horniness. Because he's a teen. Even if you ignore the very thinly veiled allegory of shooting white strands everywhere all the time, it's pretty easy to see why Spidey is one of the most sexualized of all costumed superheroes, which you might think is creepy, but remember that he's a teenage BOY, so it's not. Also, agility is the best stat for fuckin'. Come get webbed with us. Join us as hosts Kera, the fanfiction veteran, and Steve, the lovable noob, read and discuss Spider-man fanfic! We've got Peter Parker, we've got Harry Osborn, we've got Felicia Hardy who is also Black Cat and not Catwoman like Steve says several times, we've got Mary Jane, and more! As always, there is explicit content not meant for most adults, let alone children. You've been warned. /