Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Writing Kick-Ass Copy With Rebecca Wong



What’s the path to creating a business that brings you money, joy and life balance? My guest Rebecca Wong shares her entrepreneurial journey. She’s found that leaning into her relationships allows her to create some amazing things, including a robust therapy practice and The Practice Of Being Seen, a community for therapists. She digs into some keys to writing stand-out copy for your website that you can implement right away.     Topics Discussed In This Episode:     Taking brave steps her business Planning with her business partner using both practical tools and intuition Leaning into working with assistants What we need from our partners and loved ones as therapists Imposter syndrome and how to work through it Working through low or scary moments in her business Getting grounded as an entrepreneur and as a person How we can bring our real selves more fully into our marketing Ways to make your copy stand out and speak to your right-fit clients     Show notes at