Surviving Sarah

Episode 10: Wendy Speake



Today's episode of Surviving Sarah is a conversation with author and speaker, Wendy Speake. We talk about how she was surprised by mommy anger. She would have never described herself as an angry person yet spouts of anger were triggered in her by her kids. We talk about her new book (co-authored with Amber Lia) that released Feb 16, 2016 called Triggers: Exchanging Parent's Angry Reactions For Biblical Responses. Our conversation felt like therapy and I left feeling inspired and encouraged--I know you will, too. The show continues to remain on New & Noteworthy in iTunes which is all because of you! Thank you so much! Keeping leaving reviews and telling people about the show. Let me just give each of you a virtual high five! Come find me on Instagram & Twitter @sarahwbragg and at