

Show Notes: What if you need to BE different in order to accomplish your next goals? What if the missing link is not working harder or investing more money in your business, but rather making your SELF more resilient and strong? This week it’s just you and me. I’m gonna talk about something that’s been on my mind. You know how you keep hearing a theme over and over again and it finally sinks in? I’ve been going through that about how self-care and fitness connect to being an entrepreneur. I resisted the hell out of this connection for years. But I have been hearing this theme too many times from people I respect to ignore it or naysay it. I was hesitant to talk about this with you because some stuff out there about fitness feels really alienating to me. The tyranny of thinness is alienating. The idea that bodies should look a certain way is alienating. I’m not into that. I don’t believe fitness or self-care looks one way. I think it’s very personal and different for each person. But I decided I NEED to talk a