Secret Sauce - The Restaurant Marketing Podcast

80 - The 4Ps of Restaurant Marketing



What are the 4Ps and the Restaurant Marking Mix? We look at Product.  It may be something that you eat or it could be something else, or a mix of both.   When you fundamentally understand the product that your customers want, you will be able to price it appropriately.   What are the demographics of people that you want to target and what is it they they want to buy?  Should you change the products that you sell through the duration of the day. What is the competitor analysis look like?  If there are 8 local pizza shops, you probably don't want to be the 9th. What do you do and do you specialise in it? How does the length of the menu impact the time your customers take to decide. Packaging is a part of your product.  You want to avoid using other brands packaging for your food.  Use the packaging to reinforce your USP. How does Nick Sarello at Nicks Pizza and Pub use monthly customer pizza recipes to build a community. Too many restaurants don't use just noticeable  differences in their pricing strategy. Is P