Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Follow Energy In Your Business With Staci Boden



I've been paying attention to my guest's work for probably about 10 years. As soon as I heard her talking about following energy in your life, I was intrigued. It felt deeply right to me. And I also felt like.....well.....I wasn't ready for it yet. I wasn't ready to fully take in her ideas because I was a bit more in push, hustle and suffer mode. I think part of me believed that "following energy" would mean not getting my shit done. I thought maybe following energy would lead me to laziness. As the breadwinner, a sometimes depressed person, and someone with a huge vision, I thought following energy could be risky. But I kept reading her emails and listening to what she had to say. I've been noticing that I'm making a bigger impact, including more money, NOT by hustling but by getting into alignment and focusing on the most important things. Lots of my guests, colleagues and clients have been noticing in their businesses too. And now I'm totally ready for Staci's message. It's right on time. Staci Boden is a