Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

Fine Tune Your Program With Dr. JaNaè Taylor



As you get ready to move beyond private practice and create your signature program, you might believe you’ll need to run many many programs in order to stay interested. I’m gonna tell you to start with one. Usually boredom is not what happens. If it does, you can add more! I’m on round twenty (!) of my core program right now, which had a few different names in the beginning. It’s been called Create Your Program for quite a few minutes now. I’m having fun making changes to improve it every single time. We just added a session with an attorney who answers legal questions and a systems expert to help with setting up tech. Of course I’m always fascinated by the participants and what they're creating. There’s just very little boredom happening around here. This week's Rebel Therapist podcast guest is positively obsessed* with her program as well. You’re about to hear from someone who loves fine-tuning her signature program. Therefore she’s created an outstanding program that her participants love. It’s called Mind