St. Luke Columbus

God's Grace in the Land Between



God sometimes gives signs when we thirst for reassurance, but our trust in God cannot rest on God proving his love and care for us. Trust is the most necessary quality for an eternal relationship. In an account Water-from-the-rock account found in Numbers 20:1-13, the necessity of trusting God is tragically illustrated when Moses goes beyond the direction of God and strikes the rock and is therefore not permitted to enter the Promised Land. Trusting in God is so vital to our relationship with Him that He used what appears to be a momentary and minor lack of trust on Moses’ part to teach us the tragic results of not trusting in God. This is because only God fully understands that trust is most necessary for an eternal relationship.   Next Step: Determine where you might be putting God to the test to prove that he is with you and working for you. Spend some time listening to what He thinks about this and determine whether this is helpful to your faith. Make a change in your thinking if necessary.     Lessons: