The Resus Room

Pre-Hospital Care; BASICS & FPHC Conference '17



This podcast covers some highlights from the talks at the BASICS and The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care 2017 Conference. We were lucky enough to be invited by Caroline Leech to cover the day and managed to grab a couple of minutes with a handful of the superb speakers; Dr. Tom Evens; Elite sports for high performance clinicians Dr. Les Gordon; Pre-hospital management of hypothermia Dr. Helen Milne; Retrieval and transfer medicine Surgeon Commander Kate Prior; The battlefield Dr Chris Press; Prehospital management of diving emergencies Miss Aimee Yarrington; Obstetric Emergencies Professor Mark Wilson; Pre-hospital Care, where are we going?   Thanks to all involved for making the podcast and for a great day at the conference, and to PHEMCAST for the collaboration! Simon, Rob & Clare