Screen Testing

Ep 9b: Doctor Who - Jodie Whittaker reveal



We interrupt our regularly-scheduled programming to bring you our first emergency broadcast! Hot on the heels of our discussion of The Deadly Assassin comes the announcement of the new Doctor, with Jodie Whittaker becoming the first woman to play the show's leading role. In an episode where Neil and Dan spend most of their time agreeing with each other for a change, we delve into the inevitable social media outrage, discuss the reasons why the announcement points to an exciting future, bemoan the lack of non-violent superheroes in the modern age, and debate the nature of fandoms. As usual, Dan brings a wealth of experience from the world of Doctor Who, outlining the history of strong female figures in the show, both in front of and behind the camera. And Neil actually manages to keep up this time! Miscellaneous references: YouTube: TARDIS cloister bell YouTube: BBC announcement - "The Thirteenth Doctor revealed"  Wikipedia: Doctor Who - An Adventure in Space and Time (starring David Bradley as William Hartne