The Thrst

Adventures In Dating - THRST007



In Episode 7, Sy and Derrick discuss relationships,a comedic infomercial for adults, a vibrator, and let you know how you can tell if you’re living like a celebrity. They also touch on a notable celebrity roommate situation and at which age should you not have a roommate, clubbing with your mother, child support issues, the new way to freeload, and reveal which of them has something in common with Derek Jeter. They both dish and throw dirt at each other during Talk Du Jour when they share some of their recent dating adventures. If you have something you want to bring to our attention…or if you want to curse us out or ask a question; hit us up: Phone: (206) 278-7459 Facebook - Twitter - Email: Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, so you never miss an episode! We’re a FREE show, insert our RSS Feed ( ) into your podcatcher or find us on iTunes , Stitcher, Pocket Casts, TuneIn, and a few other fun places.   Thi