Screen Testing

Ep 19: Home Alone / Die Hard



In an episode recorded over the course of five hours, your hosts gather at Chez Neil for their own mini Christmas party, with a fine array of mince pies, cheeses and ales, as well as two of their favourite festive movies. The result? A fun and rambling journey which gets increasingly erratic as we continue. Both nursing sore throats and hangovers from previous nights' office parties, we nevertheless get to all of the important questions, such as why Hans Gruber owns a TARDIS on wheels, which of Macaulay Culkin's traps constitute appropriate force, whether the Nakatomi Corporation employees deserved an externally-hosted Christmas party, how long Kevin McAllister would survive in Die Hard, and which film has the most inept police presence. There's also a special post-credits treat, as Dan treats us to a reading of A Die Hard Christmas. Home Alone discussion begins at 6 minutes, and Die Hard commences at 33 minutes. References: Loaded: Why Die Hard is the greatest Christmas movie of all time The Independent: