The Thrst

Are Compliments Required for Casual Sex? -- THRST048



Some people can have sex at the drop of a dime, some people need a little help getting in the mood, and some people; well...they have a game plan which may or may not include a script. This podcast episode is packed with fun, laughter, and a tear. Prepare to enjoy it as two of the show's favorite guests, Derek Johnson and Jezula Antoine, return to join the conversations! We have realizations brought on by Valentine's Day, the dangers and surprises of vibrators (or personal massagers for the politically correct), a quick chat surrounding the ideal number of sex partners a person should have in their lifetime, and should men be groomed. Please be warned that the second half of the show contains conversations heavily themed around sex; for instance, do you feel the need to be complimented or to compliment someone to engage in casual sex? There's also a discussion regarding male and female orgasms (multiple orgasms to be exact), Messy Connections makes a return....and a PARCHED reveal that's likely to get you hot