The Thrst

The Comeback: Tanning, Contraceptives, and Consumer Electronics -- THRST070



Summer is almost over and we're serving a comeback episode -- it's the return after our summer hiatus and Derek Johnson joins as guest co-host, the archaic pullout method is making a comeback, too, and we're sharing the hot and interesting finds from CES NY and GetGeeked 2017.   Yes, the Pullout Method; people still use it...we try to figure out WHY. Then, there's the JifTip...which is odd, but may work (if it works at all) in conjunction with pulling out or else you may be in severe pain.   More things people are doing that's highly suspect and questionable...Coca Cola Tanning; yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. Beards (the hair, not the people); some fool thinks they have the power to keep men from 'becoming' homosexuals. And more things we chat: Usher Raymond and his herpes debacle; the guy with 30 kids, 11 baby mamas, a minimum wage job, and $1.49 per month to contribute towards child support; and the man who built a house for his immediate family, extended family, and some it a home or a